• Mandy takes the 360 Camera for a joy ride.

• Tom & Esteban give eBay advice to fans of Liquidation Motivation. Their eBay account had been immediately restricted after listing one Dungeons & Dragons backpack. We think it’s because their account did not have a rapport prior to listing a possible counterfeit item. Our suggestions were to open a new eBay account. Build that rapport by selling easy to sell multi-quantity items for break even (or just slightly above). Ask for feedback regularly to build that rapport.

Also, Esteban states how eBay measures it’s metrics. He states that if a seller has more than 400 transactions within the 3 months, eBay measures the seller metrics within that time frame. But if the seller made less than 400 transactions during the last 3 months, eBay measures a seller’s metrics based on 12 months of transactions. So it’s best to sell multi-quantity items for break even (or just slightly above) just to keep the numbers up.

• Tom & Diana break down a truckload

• Stan the camera man finds some goodies in the truckload. He falls in love with all tech that come in from the pallet.

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