Tom discussed what a Gated Category in this video which is when Amazon gives you one category to sell in then you have to earn your way to sell into different categories. Piece of advice from our very own serial entrepreneur to new ebay sellers is to be careful of VERO and make sure to check the list before selling.

What is a Gated Category and VERO? Two new terms but are very important to know if you want to succeed in Amazon.

Based on Amazon Seller Central, Amazon requires sellers to obtain approval before listing products for sale. The approval process may include document requests, performance checks, and other qualifications. This is what we call Gated Category.

There are different steps on how to apply to list a product that already exists in Amazon’s catalog and requires approval.

There is also a comprehensive list of product categories in which you can sell. So make sure to go over through them to avoid unnecessary inconvenience and delay one you start up your own store.

The online market is such a huge opportunity that comes with a very competitive system. Which is why it is important the policies must be regulated and implemented. Ultimately, this helps to ensure that eBay users trust our marketplace, and comply with the law.

According to eBay, Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program allows that intellectual property owners could report listings or products that infringe on their intellectual property rights.

As much as entrepreneurs and business people want to earn, it is important that we are aware of this regulations and policies to prevent further problems so that we can continue providing quality service to our valued customers.

For additional questions or inquires please eMail us at: Tom@LiquidationMotivation.Net

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