Power over the people under your authority in the workplace is important to be exerted by a leader. Not all power is the same – one may be beneficial and the other may be detrimental both to the management and people.

Here are the different types of power:

  1. Legitimate or Titular Power – this is the official title the person may hold. Example is CEO, Manager
  2. The Use of Coercive Power – this is when a leader uses threats or punishments to manipulate the behavior in the workplace
  3. Motivating with Reward Power –  this is a more positive approach by offering them incentives to work harder or faster. 
  4. The Use of Referent Power – this is when people enjoy being around them or even desire to be like them
  5. Informational Power – this is when a person has access to certain information that others do not possess and remember that information is power in this century.

With great power, comes great responsibility. Make sure you are using the power vested in you for the benefit of your organization and ultimately to provide a safe and healthy workplace for everyone.

Please contact us for more information at: Tom@LiquidationMotivation.Net

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