“We are aware shipping is causing concern for both buyers and sellers this holiday season and we are working to reduce frustration where we can. While there is some unpredictability in delivery reliability, most items are still arriving on time. We’re managing estimated delivery dates, continuing to give sellers credit for meeting their stated handling time, and advising buyers to anticipate potential delays.”

This is the statement of eBay acknowledging the widespread issues with shipping delays among all carriers due to COVID lockdowns and record parcel volumes at USPS, UPS and FedEx. This also cause strain to logistical networks.

This circumstance is out of your control as the seller but here are some tips on how to handle this:

  1. Upload tracking ASAP. to inform your buyer of the status of their order
  2. Manage expectations. so as not to stress out about missing the estimated delivery date.
  3. Extend handling times.  to lessen the potential impact for buyers
  4. Communicate. and let them know in advance that there may be a delay
  5. Empathize. try to understand how your customers feel
  6. Encourage patience. and reassure the buyer that the item was shipped on time and the delay in delivery is now on the shipping company
  7. Remain professional. to avoid responding in a similarly negative manner that may turn away your customers.

With the current global situation in mind, these are unprecedented times. Let us make this world a kinder place by understanding, emphathizing, and being patient with the people involved in this process.

Please contact us for more information at: Tom@LiquidationMotivation.Net

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